Why should IoT be used in urban surveillance solutions? NEC INDIA

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The enhanced functionality made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT) and associated technologies are responsible for many of the major changes seen across society today. One of them is in urban surveillance solutions. The usage of IoT can enhance security, prevent loss, and create safer environments.

Versatility of IoT Technology

IoT cameras can record, analyze, identify, and classify virtually anything, and they can alert other devices within an IoT system accordingly. Through the Internet of Things technology, several physical devices can be connected for sharing of data in tandem via the internet. This has made the use of IoT relevant in logistics, finance, and manufacturing, among others. The use of Artificial Intelligence is possible with IoT as massive amounts of data can be collected through sensors and analyzed at a single point.


IoT for public safety

Advanced facial recognition and computer vision features can be added to the IoT cameras that are used in urban surveillance solutions. Computer vision uses AI to provide the kind of visual analysis of an image that a human might normally provide. It can derive meaningful info from images to identify intruders or suspicious individuals. A smart airport security system uses IoT devices to collect live feeds from strategic locations to reduce the possibility of too much crowding. The solution used for the airport will be able to detect anything abnormal, like sudden running, loitering, or even theft.


Top reasons for embracing IoT for public safety.

The use of IoT in urban surveillance solutions enables the authorities to collect real-time data. It has a user-friendly and intuitive onboarding process that enables IT admins to easily add new devices to their systems. The software supports many types of devices, such as laptops, smartphones etc. Since multiple strategic points can be monitored simultaneously, the system reduces the dependence on security personnel. The IoT devices can do the processing using edge analytics.


IoT for addressing environmental hazards.

IoT devices can contain sensors for gathering environmental data like particulate matter in the air and other harmful pollutants. SO2 and NO2 can be detected with the help of sensors in urban surveillance solutions.


Top reasons for adopting IoT for environmental safety.

Environmental IoT sensors continuously collect data on various parameters such as air quality, temperature, humidity, and pollution levels. This data is often generated in real-time and in high volumes. IoT device management tools act as the bridge between these sensors and data processing systems, ensuring that data is reliably collected and transmitted to a central repository.


IoT for checking fraud.

The banking sector is also making use of video analytics to check the incidents of crime that lead to the loss of valuable assets. IoT devices can give it access to live feeds of the vicinity areas of ATMs.


Top reasons for adopting IoT for checking fraud.

Consistent monitoring is possible with the help of solutions that use video analytics, making the use of IoT imperative. Analyzing the feed from hundreds of ATM cameras in one place is possible using IoT technology.


IoT for security screening

Face recognition is a functionality that is possible with IoT cameras. A smart airport security system can use these devices to identify genuine passengers. Biometrics of a person can be used to screen passengers. 


Top reasons for using IoT in security screening.

The deployment of IoT cameras provides increased security and allows users to better understand the behavior of passengers. Based on video analyses in real-time, operations in airports can be optimized, and resources can be planned more efficiently.



IoT can revolutionize urban surveillance as it enables the use of Artificial Intelligence to detect fraud, unusual movements, and even the identity of a person. This technology streamlines data collection, processing, and response, shaping smarter, safer cities.


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